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Events for Home Educators

Events for Home Educators

We often run special events for Home Educators to get involved with such as history days and activities linked to exhibitions in the Cathedral. All of these activities are hands on and active so that children can really enjoy their learning.

History Trip Days

Where to find us

Our History Trip Days will take place in the Cathedral, Cathedral Centre and Cathedral grounds so you'll be able to explore lots of our very special site. You'll be able to have a picnic lunch on the lawn outside the Cathedral, or in the Cafe space in the Cathedral Centre if the weather is less than sunny! We'll be running sessions on Monday 3 June and Monday 15 July. Trip Days start at 10am and finish at 2pm. There will be a 30 minute lunch break during the day.

What will you be doing?

On Monday 3 June we'll be exploring the fall of Ely in 1071 and finding out more about local hero, Hereward the Wake. In an immersive session you'll take the role of a monk in Ely monastery and help Abbot Thurstan decide what to do - should he support Hereward the Wake and risk angering the new King? But what will happen if Ely falls? We'll also be exploring the Cathedral and how it was built, experimenting with pulleys and designing our own Norman Arches. You can also try your hand at a masons mark or a piece of medieval graffiti (to take home of course!).

Our last summer session will be on 15 July when we will be exploring life in the medieval monastery. You'll find out how the monks lived as you spend a day in the life of one of the brothers. We'll be exploring what they ate, how they communicated and what happened when someone broke the rules. The monks had a lot of work to do, and you'll be having a go at lots of jobs including illuminating letters, making candles and even making medicine. In fact, you'll spend quite a bit of time with the infirmarian monk who will need you help diagnosing and treating patients in the medieval hospital.

How do I join in?
Please register your interest by emailing Each place costs £7.50 for the full day and includes free entry for one adult per child. Children must be accompanied during the day. Book your tickets here.