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Environment and the Church

The earth is the Lord's and everything in it (Ps24.1)

As Christians and as a Christian community we are called to conserve and care for our planet's complex and fragile ecology and to be good stewards of the earth's resources. We recognise the need to operate in ways that are responsible and sustainable.

We also recognise the significant role we can play in our community in fostering sustainable attitudes and actions. We further recognise that this is part of our commitment "to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with [y]our God" (Mic 6:8).

The Church of England Environment Programme has set an ambitious target to reach net zero carbon by 2030. Watch their new video which shows small changes can make a big difference!

Here is the June Church of England Environment Bulletin, bringing you the latest news, resources and stories to inspire you to care for God's creation