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Octagon Tower lighting

We light our Octagon Tower at Ely Cathedral on special days throughout the year, and occasionally to bring awareness to charitable causes.

2024 Dates

Friday 7 June
Green for Tourette's Awareness Month
Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements. This year's campaign #TourettesHurts will highlight the impact Tourette’s can have on those with the condition and those around them.

Friday 31 May
Orange for PWS Awareness Day

is a small charity providing lifelong support to all those affected by Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a rare, complex genetic disorder that affects both males and females from birth and throughout their lives.

Friday 17 May
Blue & Green for 'Shine a light on NF'

May is NF Awareness Month. Shine a Light on NF is a grassroots initiative that brings global NF awareness into local communities. NF refers to a group of genetic conditions that cause tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body.

Saturday 20 April
Green in support of
Samaritans Cambridge
Samaritans is the official charity of the London Marathon 2024. With the Believe in Tomorrow campaign, Samaritans are hoping to use the visibility to help break the stigma around suicide and mental health by encouraging people to believe in a brighter future.